Saturday, March 05, 2005

the phantom of the opera

Truth be told, I didn’t really have the intention of watching the movie initially. The trailer was quite impressive and mystifying with the special effects, the lavish props and the wonderful costumes. It had an interesting story line. The only actors I recognized there were Minnie Driver and Miranda Richardson, who were talented and seasoned performers in their own rights. But it just didnt appeal to me enough for me to get a ticket and go watch the movie.
My professor in Literature 2 suggested that we watch the movie and make a paper out of it. Okay so I watched it out of necessity, but I would have to admit that it would have been a shame to miss this movie. It was a fitting adaptation to its famous theatrical play counterpart. It was just as grand and breathtaking. It even explained some of the questions one might have upon watching the play, like how did the phantom came about and his relationship with the woman. The actors fit perfectly into their roles. I'm just wondering if they were the ones who really sang their parts or someone else sang it for them. My favorite was Charlotta, it was just so dynamic and funny that I couldn't get myself to dislikng her character. I've always thought of Minnie Driver as a shy, prim and sweet character but she really transformed into what was needed to produce the persona of Charlotta which was just so...[finding the right word..]..fascinating! She was impressive with the accents too. Back to the movie, my favorite part was when they sang "all i ask of you" by the balcony. It was just so touching that I could feel for the characters as well, the love that emanated from the couple and the pain that the phantom felt from witnessing the event.
By the end of the movie, I find myself enthralled and singing to the songs in the movie while the person who watched it with me, Josel found herself having a crush with the phantom. Although half [or one-fourth] of his face was distorted, Josel still found him handsome as a lot of people who have watched it might also agree with her. The only negative feedback I got from my friends who have watched it is that the girl who played Christine was not pretty enough. I don't know, but she was alright by me. She may not be the modern definition of what a beautiful woman should be but she had this face that seemed to have risen from the rennaisance period, sweet, virginal and old fashioned. All in all, it was a movie worth watching and I'm glad I didn't miss it.


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