Tuesday, May 10, 2005

homemade zoo

I spent a few days sleeping, adjusting my biological clock, fixing my things and getting things back on track. Time resumed to its usual work a day pace and I try my best to keep up to it. Things were pretty much how they were when I left them. Same old life. Same old house. Same old room. Same old Aubrey. The only thing that changed was that the 4 colorful lovebirds that we had dwindled to only one lonely lovebird. It saddened my mom to see the lovebird all alone and so we headed for the petshop. My mom bought more lovebirds, goldfishes and angel fishes. My mom likes birds and fishes for pets, I don't know why. I live with it but I don't really like it. I dont mean that I hate these animals but I don't like them as house pets. I don't think they should be kept in cages or tanks, they should be free in their own habitats. They seem happier that way. But thats just me, the last word is still my mother's. I just like pets that I can really touch, care for and they can also make my home, their home like cats and dogs. While we were looking around my sister fell in love at first sight with this cute little shih tzu puppy. To make a long story short, we bought the little puppy. Its a girl puppy with a black spot around its right eye that looks like a pirate's patch. She's really cute. So, our house is technically a minature zoo. We have lots of fishes [goldfish and angel fish, birds [lovebirds and the mynah bird (the one that talks)] 4 dogs plus one little puppy and one golden cat. One weird thing about our animals is that their names all begin with the letter A and has 2 syllables. It was all coincidental before until we realized that the animals that would stay a long time with us are the ones whose names are starting with A. Like Alvin [our alpha dog], Apple [his wife], their kids Anton and Andrew, the mynah, Angel and of course my cat, Aubrey. see? So the name of the puppy is still under discussion, I'm thinking maybe Amneris after an ancient Egyptian princess or Angelina [Jolie?] haha..but the only 2 syllable name I've come up with is Amber. I'm not sure yet...
Any suggestions?
Let me know...


At 12:23 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Well G-Day from down under. You sure seem to be very level headed for a 20 year old, i feel as though we would have much to talk about if we ever ran into each other. Its good to see someone with an open mind and the ability to question, questions. I hope you read through my book and gain some insight to the real world in which we live.. hay if you ever come up with some saying email them to me through moralminded@hotmail.com, would ove to see them. Anyway hope to talk soon if you have any questions about Australia just ask

Great site keep it going and never stop thinking

Mark (swaggie)

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amber seems like an ok name. It fits what you need for your pet's names

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amber is good!

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute cute puppy! Doesnt look like an AMBER, but its no big deal, its not like she [the puppy] is going to complain about it.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger ThalaGolaa said...

if you don't mind.. check this out


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